Audio Sunglasses,Outdoor Sported Over Ear Headset with Built-in Microphone and Speaker,Polarized UV400 Protection Safety Lenses for All Editions of Smart Phone

  • OPEN EAR SPEAKER: Bluetooth Sunglasses with Open Ear Speaker System Allows You to Listen to Your Favorite Music and Everything around you. HD Microphone Offers High Quality Sound While on Calls
  • FREEDOM FROM WIRES: Wireless Speaker with Smart Assistant Technology Like Hand Free Phone Calling and Answering, Easily Speak Siri,Cortana and Google Now to Connect to Your Favorite Music Stations (Pandora,iTunes,Spotify and more),Easily Speak for Directions, Weather and Traffic UpdatesFREEDOM FROM WIRES: Wireless Speaker with Smart Assistant Technology Like Hand Free Phone Calling and Answering, Easily Speak Siri,Cortana and Google Now to Connect to Your Favorite Music Stations (Pandora,iTunes,
  • ULTRA SLIM DESIGN: Mobile Phone Thickness Design, Flexible Material Frame and Very Light Like a Normal Sunglasses Weight. Exclusive US Style Design,Neat,Unisex and Very Comfortable to Wear while Relaxing and Exercising
  • POLARIZED MAX LENS COATING TECHNOLOGY: UV400 Polarized Lens for Great Color, Clarity and Contrast, Impact Resistant for Eye and Face Protection Devices
  • PLAYING TIME: Smart Speaker Sunglasses Playing Music up to 5 Hours

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very cool sunglasses. got them for my dad for his trip to cancun and he loves them. i tried them on and i love them because i’m always listening to music. you can’t walk very far away from your phone though

I am the kind of guy that ALWAYS has tool in my hand or steering wheel in front of me. Sound quality is awesome, it lasts ALL day, and I cant buy a pair of high end glasses for the price of 2 pairs of these glasses!!! love them!!


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