Libra Sep 23 − Oct 22 Alias: Alias: The Scales September 15 (15/09) daily libra horoscope: summary libra daily Star 8/10 The Finger of Blame could be pointed your direction but dont be too quick to accept blame for something you know, in your heart, youre not at fault with. You might need to stand your ground in terms of how youre seen in the eyes of others regarding a sudden development beyond your control. You can, however, be seen to be confident about resolving the matter and ensuring its lifespan is a short one. Read more... summary libra tomorrow Star 10/10 Keep an eye on how much additional responsibility you take on or what you promise to others. As confident of fulfilling every obligation as you might feel, you could find youre too ambitious. This can lead to you risking...
Jody Fick
Bought for my 9 and 10 year old nephews. They asked for these specifically.
Nicole Vivian
Very good
Very good
Sarrah Johnson
9 year old grandson loves these
he collects them
Deanne Robichaud
Jody Foord
Great toy
Love these
Harry Howard
Great purchase
Great purchase
Saima Shahbaz
for kids
smashed,was over in a minute
Raptor Cat
Great Gift for kids all ages
Great Gift for kids
Ella Baesso
He likes smashing them the most, loves it
My son loves them
Maj Jackson
Great buy! Kid loved them
Godson loved these! Great gift