Daily Libra Horoscope September 15 (15/09)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

September 15


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 8/10

The Finger of Blame could be pointed your direction but dont be too quick to accept blame for something you know, in your heart, youre not at fault with. You might need to stand your ground in terms of how youre seen in the eyes of others regarding a sudden development beyond your control. You can, however, be seen to be confident about resolving the matter and ensuring its lifespan is a short one.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Keep an eye on how much additional responsibility you take on or what you promise to others. As confident of fulfilling every obligation as you might feel, you could find youre too ambitious. This can lead to you risking letting yourself and others down by being too optimistic about what you can deliver. Promise only what you know you can fulfill even if it causes you to feel less superhuman.


summary libra weekly

Star 9/10

Youre able to boost your emotional security this week if youre willing to accept you neednt feel so resigned to a particular situation or arrangement. Coming days could encourage you to question certain limitations and restrictions youve grown used to accepting. This could also involve facing a certain fear, and taking a brave step in a particular area. However, doing both will help you to feel more secure about what has been a source of insecurity for too long.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

If anyone has been in awe of your ability to circulate or network in the past, then their jaws will drop when they see what youre capable of this month. Whether your efforts to connect are for business or pleasure, it could become clear that success isnt always about what you know but who you know! At least one person is intrigued by you and what you can offer in a particular way. If your desire to attract isnt focused on business or friendships but affairs of the heart instead, then this could be a very pleasing and memorable month in that respect, too!


health libra daily

Star 8/10

You hope that hard work will be rewarded but are sometimes confused by the lack of acknowledgement from others. Sometimes our hard work is invisible to those we want to impress. This can be for reasons we don\t understand at times, but the important lesson is to be focused on yourself. There is no one you need to impress more then yourself. Put your energy into creating the healthiest body you can. Exercise, diet, and rest are the tasks at hand, every day.


health libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

You may be over-extended today and need to shift the focus onto yourself. It\s not the end of the world if you postpone doing someone else a favor, and it doesn\t mean you\re not a good friend if you don\t say \yes\ to every invitation. Build yourself up from the inside. This means spending time on something that nourishes your body. Strength building exercise, such as Bikram yoga, would be especially beneficial to you at this time.


health libra weekly

Star 7/10

Are you getting the right nutrients? Sometimes adopting a popular diet geared to everyone can omit things you need. There could be any number of reasons why it\s unsuited to your body type or metabolism. You\re unique, so your formula for optimum energy and wellness is likely to be different from anyone else\s. Take the time to discover what works best for you.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

With a focus on a subtle sector of your chart this month, you might find that one important thing you can do for your health and well-being is to release unwanted emotions. If past experiences or intense feelings are draining your energy, the cosmos encourages you to do whatever it takes to gently unravel them and let them go. You might also find that a spiritual practice like yoga, tai chi, or meditation can give you a feeling of inner balance and centeredness. Such subtle practices can be very important for keeping your physical body in good health, too.


love libra daily

Star 9/10

Today you may have to make some effort to patch up your relationship. You may not even remember what you and your loved one fell out about, but you need to start talking again. Even if it is hard to make the first move, it is well worth the effort to do so. You both have enough interest to want to be together again.


love libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

If your loved one comes across as extra passionate today, it is due to the day\s cosmic configuration. This magic alignment reduces them to putty in your hands, and means that you can almost do as you please. Yet before they deliver the goods, they may also set a bargain. Consider well the surprise you are about to receive. Is worth what you may have to pay later?


love libra weekly

Star 10/10

You have every reason to be positive about your love life as a new week begins. If given room to grow, a romantic situation could turn into all youd like it to be - and then some. You try hard to link up with someone over the weekend, but maybe its not meant to be. You can only do so much. The rest of the effort lies on the other persons shoulders. At least you can say you tried.


love libra monthly

Star 7/10

A gentle Pisces full moon brings a quiet end to the lunar month on September 6, so getting closure on a past relationship is imminent. Although the breakups exact cause may remain a mystery, its nice not to obsess over it anymore. There is a comfortable balance when the sun visits Libra on September 22, so theres less urgency when it comes to finding romance. You feel very patient while you wait for your true love to arrive. The square between demonstrative Mercury and strong-willed Saturn muddies the dating waters on September 25, and your next step is undecided. Game players belong at the bottom of your priority list.


career libra daily

Star 7/10

Someone\s strong convictions may cause you to lose sight of the truth for a moment or two. Question these sources. Don\t fall prey to someone\s selfish and shortsighted ideas just because he or she is passionate about them. Think for yourself.


career libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

Talking things out with other people will be difficult, but right now it is very necessary. Friction will result, but the issues that you are dealing with can no longer be held inside. You must get them out on the table in order for progress to occur.


career libra weekly

Star 8/10

Work can be stressful at the start of the week. Visualize good relationships with people who may not be easy to work with. Be ready for extra demands this week. You may have to give up a lot of personal time and let things slide at home for a few days. The more sympathetic you can be, the more successful you\re likely to be. Week\s end is a positive time to travel or renew old contacts to improve your career.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

A big job will come to an end at the beginning of September, allowing you to take a much-needed vacation. Resist the urge to take on a new assignment as soon as the old one is finished. This leisurely full moon is urging you to take a break. Secret job talks could break down on or around September 20 due to a stressful new moon. A prospective customer who is unwilling to commit to a price point or sign a contract isnt worth your time. Walk away from this proposition. The last thing you want to deal with is someone who continually breaks promises.



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